Lodge Newbattle St Mary supports Prostate Scotland
Thank you to Lodge Newbattle St Mary 1063 in Midlothian for your continued support of our work.
Part of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, members of the Lodge have organised several fundraising events this year, headed by Paul Johnston PM and Chris Igoe.
Paul and Kaye’s brilliant Hawaiian themed party night raised over £600 in April. This has been followed by an auction of tickets for the Scottish Open Golf Tournament taking place this weekend.
The Lodge’s third annual Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday 23 July. This established, well-attended event takes place at Kings Acre Golf Course in Lasswade, Midlothian. Tickets include competition entry, morning roll and soup as well as many prizes to be won on the day, at the price of £100 per 4 ball. It’s not too late to book one of the last remaining slots! These are available at 10:20, 12:20 and 14:20.
Fantastic live band The Kuil will play at the dance and prize giving night on the following Saturday, 30 July. There’s just a few tickets left, priced at £10.00 each.
To book a tee time or tickets for the charity dance please get in touch with Chris Igoe, who can be contacted at igoe-up@outlook.com
Chris is still accepting raffle prizes for the dance and prize giving night. These can be handed in on the night or at the Golf Day.
Congratulations and thank you to all the members of Lodge Newbattle St Mary for your superb fundraising achievements – these are very much appreciated!