Prostate Scotland, in association with The Urology Foundation, invites applications for Scottish Prostatic Robotic Fellowship, Clinical Visit and Surgery Nurses and First Surgical Assistants Awards in Scotland in robotic assisted prostate cancer surgery.
Following the completion of a successful appeal to help the introduction of robot assisted prostate cancer surgery in the east and west of Scotland, Prostate Scotland is also taking forward a programme to help support the training of urologists, surgery nurses and first surgical assistants in Scotland in robotic assisted prostate cancer surgery. As part of this Prostate Scotland is pleased to launch the following three awards, aimed at increasing the number of urology healthcare professionals in Scotland trained in robotic assisted prostate cancer surgery. Prostate Scotland is working in association with The Urology Foundation on this project.
Since 2011 The Urology Foundation (TUF) has been in the vanguard of promoting robotic surgery training among urologists, enabling them to gain sufficient practise to ensure proficiency and safety, and to help speed up the ability to offer robotic surgery to patients in need. The training has had a positive impact and TUF is pleased to have helped develop successful robotic programmes across the UK.
- The Prostate Scotland Scottish Prostatic Robotic FellowshipProstate Scotland, in association with TUF is now seeking to make up to two awards for “The Prostate Scotland Scottish Prostatic Robotic Fellowship”. Worth £10,000 each, this funding would provide additional support for Robotic Surgery Fellows to undertake training, travel to conferences, take part in research and to publish research and/or outcomes data. Applications are sought from trainees/ urologists working in Scotland or moving to work in Scotland wishing to undertake a prostate robotic fellowship as a joint application with a recognised robotic centre within the UK or Europe. For further information and to download an application form for the Fellowship click here2022-PS-TUF-Award-for-training-in-robotic-surgery-application-form
- Scottish Prostatic Robotic Clinical Visit Award
In addition, Prostate Scotland is making up to two awards of up to £1750 for a Scottish Prostatic Robotic Clinical Visit Award for Clinical Visits to an institution to learn about and experience and observe robotic assisted prostate surgery in another institution is available for urologists or trainees in Scotland. The visits would be to institutions approved by TUF or EAU located in the UK and Europe. For further information and to download an application form for the Clinical visit awards click here 2022-Prostate-Scotland-TUF-Robotic-surgery-clinical-visit-application-form - Scottish Prostatic Robotic Surgery Nurse or First Surgical Assistant Award
Prostate Scotland is making available – up two awards of up to £2,500 each for surgery nurses or first surgical assistants in 2022. Applications are sought from nurses or surgical support staff who wish to undertake training/further qualifications or research, to support their development and/or care of patients in robot assisted prostate cancer at a recognised robotic centre within the UK or Europe. For further information and to download an application form for the surgery nurses/ first surgical assistants awards click here 2022-Prostate-Scotland-TUF-Robotic-surgery-nursesfirstsurgical_assistants-application-form
Applications for the awards are open to:
- Applicants working in Scotland who wish to undertake a fellowship/training/research in robot assisted prostate surgery in 2022/23.
- Centres which have a robotic fellowship/training programme in place in prostatic surgery
- An intention/expectation to continue practising in Scotland for a minimum of two years post Fellowship will be desirable
Applications will be considered by The Urology Foundation’s Science & Education Committee and by Prostate Scotland clinical reviewers and should be emailed to: or to
To see the grant terms and conditions Click here
The closing date for applications is the 9 December 2022. For further information go Scottish Prostatic Robotic Fellowship and Clinical Visit Awards – The Urology Foundation or email Louise de Winter at the Urology Foundation at