Living Well with Prostate Cancer Course in Glasgow

Service details

Living Well with Prostate Cancer Course

Start Date: 1st Jul 2024

End Date: 31st Jul 2024

Street Address: Calman Centre, 75 Shelley Road, Gartnavel Campus

City: Glasgow

Country: Scotland

Postcode: G12 0ZE

Join our Living Well with Prostate Cancer Course in Glasgow. It’s a weekly course for men having treatment for prostate cancer or when treatment has finished. It’s completely free of charge.

  • Start Date: Next start date in 2024 to be confirmed
  • Time: 5.30pm to 7pm

Finding out you have prostate cancer or living with prostate cancer can change your life. We’ve teamed up with Cancer Support Scotland in Glasgow to make sure there’s help available when you need it most. It’s also an opportunity to meet men in a similar situation to share experiences.

We know from speaking to men who have had prostate cancer that dealing with the side-effects of the treatment can often be more challenging than expected. We also know that having prostate cancer can impact many areas of your life from relationships to finances and everything in between.

Our Living Well with Prostate Cancer course is free of charge and tackles some of the things that are not easy when you are having treatment for prostate cancer or when your treatment is finished.

More about our course in Glasgow

On our course you’ll:

  • hear from experts
  • meet others in a similar situation
  • learn about ways to manage your side-effects
  • get tips to help you live well with prostate cancer

You’ll meet at the same time each week at Cancer Support Scotland in Glasgow, covering a different topic each time. A session will last around an hour and a half. At the end of the course we’ll ask you to tell us what you thought. It’s important we know if it’s been helpful for you, and you might also have thoughts about what else would have been useful.

The course is part of our COMPASS project which aims to help men across Scotland navigate prostate cancer and disease through a range of support and well-being services.

How do I join?

All you need to do is get in touch with our partners Cancer Support Scotland and they’ll register you on the course.

What you’ll be talking about each week

Week 1 – Introductions and dealing with fatigue

Fatigue is very common in men with prostate cancer and it can affect many aspects of life. On this first week we’ll look at fatigue and discuss ways to help manage it.

Week 2 – Managing urinary problems

Urinary problems are common. We’ll look at the various symptoms and discuss how to manage them.

Week 3 – Understanding the side-effects of prostate cancer treatments

Whether you are having hormone therapy or a different treatment, you may have questions about how it is affecting you. On this week we’ll discuss and answer any questions you have.

Week 4 – Exploring erectile dysfunction and relationships

Treatments for prostate cancer can impact various aspects of your sexual function and emotional connections in relationships. We’ll provide information, offer practical tips and discuss treatments and support available.

Week 5 – Eating well

Eating well plays an important role in our overall health and it is even more important after a prostate cancer diagnosis. We’ll discuss which foods may boost your immunity, strength and health.

Week 6 – Keeping up the momentum and looking ahead

This week is a chance to review what we’ve covered in the course and how it might help you going forward.

Week 7 – Catching up

Optional but a great opportunity to regroup and see how everyone is getting on.

Further support

We’ll give you a handout at the end of each week summarising the topic covered. We’ll signpost you to places where you can get more information. Our guest speakers and experts may also suggest further resources to you.

Ready to join?

Get in touch with our partners Cancer Support Scotland and they’ll register you on the course.

Our partnership with Cancer Support Scotland

As Scotland’s cancer charity, Cancer Support Scotland have been the wellbeing champions for those affected by cancer for over 40 years – not only for those diagnosed, but their loved ones and carers too.

Cancer Support Scotland deliver high quality counselling, complementary therapy, befriending and stress management services to promote mental and physical wellbeing.

We began working in close partnership with the charity last year to deliver. We’re delighted to run our second Living Well with Prostate Course together.

Cancer Support Scotland, Calman Centre, 75 Shelley Road, Glasgow, G12 0ZE. Registered Company Number: 153568. Registered Charity in Scotland SC012867