We are keen to hear your story about prostate disease and its impact on your life or your family’s or partner’s lives. We are keen to build up a bank of such stories to assist other men with prostate issues, as well as to help keep us informed as to what issues in connection with prostate disease are important to you.
We are committed to ensuring that men and their families’ and partners’ views are heard and taken into account when policies towards prostate health are being considered, so we are keen to hear your views and perspectives on treatments, support and impact.
We would also like to build up a panel of people from across Scotland whose views and opinions we can seek on key issues, such as on availability or effectiveness of treatments or availability of information. Joining such a panel is not onerous and does not involve lots of meetings as. Instead correspondence is undertaken by email, allowing you to look at any questions in your own time and then emailing back your perspective. (Please note such a panel is purely advisory, as decisions on Prostate Scotland policy rests with our Board of Trustees).