If you suffer from difficulty, pain or burning when passing urine, frequent trips to the toilet at night, a sudden, uncontrollable desire to pass water, or a sensation of never quite emptying the bladder, you may wish to take our interactive questionnaire to determine how severe your urinary symptoms are. This is a standardised questionnaire used by urologists and general practitioners to assess the severity of urinary symptoms.
This symptom checker is aimed at providing a useful guide to the severity of your symptoms, but it is not a full medical assessment, which can only be provided by a medical practitioner. Please note also that the symptom checker is designed as a guide to symptoms. It does not and cannot indicate if you might have a specific condition. Depending on the results, you might wish to print out a copy and take them with you to discuss with your doctor if you think that your symptoms are severe. The symptom checker is based on an internationally recognised and validated scoring process.
Some people may find completing such questionnaires stressful. Before deciding upon whether to complete the symptom checker, please be aware that it is not a medical diagnosis of any condition. It is simply a guide to symptoms, providing an indication as to whether you might wish to seek medical advice, but not a replacement for advice from a doctor or medical practitioner.
The scores do not automatically indicate that you have prostate disease. However, if your score leads us to suggest consultation with your GP, please print off a copy of the results and take it with you to your doctor to help them to assess your symptoms and prostate. Also, please remember that your symptoms may change in the future and to seek medical help before your symptoms become so troublesome that they affect your quality of life.
A message about COVID-19 and if you are worried about symptoms
If you have symptoms that you think may be due to prostate problems and plan to do the Symptom-Checker, this will give a guide to what your next steps might be.
If this indicates that you need to make an appointment with your GP Practice, then GP Practices and the NHS are still ‘open for business’. There is no need to delay getting in touch with your GP. GPs can still refer men to the urology department in hospitals should they think this is necessary.
Take care and stay safe
Now please carry on to the symptom-checker