Would you be interested in helping us with our research programme into prostate cancer and  disease ? If you have experience or knowledge of prostate cancer or disease and would like to assist us by contributing your views, or taking part in surveys or focus groups, please fill in the form below.

Your views and engagement will help us  in our work to into further services and treatment needs of men with prostate cancer and disease. We are are always interested to receive the perspectives and experiences of men and their families of living with prostate cancer and disease.

We undertake research surveys and focus groups to obtain people’s perspectives  and also are looking to establish a research panel to obtain people’s views and gain people’s perspectives on key topics to do with prostate cancer and disease, treatments and policy developments. 

Research interest notification

Notification of interest in taking part in future research projects

  • We are committed to protecting and using your personal information in a sensitive manner which reflects the ethos and values of Prostate Scotland whilst also complying with the applicable laws and regulations including the Data Protection Act 1988 and the General Data Protection Regulation which came into effect on 25th May 2018. Our Privacy Policy can be viewed at prostatescotland.org.uk/privacy-policy