Prostate Scotland Awareness Opinion Survey
Prostate Scotland Patient Needs Survey 2018
Prostate Scotland are undertaking research to gain a better understanding of what it is like to live in Scotland after receiving a diagnosis of prostate cancer, and the overall experience men have in living with prostate cancer.This survey asks men across Scotland who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer to share their experiences and opinions on their diagnosis, treatment options and information, side effects and the services they were provided for support. The aim of the survey is to enable us to learn the differences in service provision across Scotland, and what lessons might be learned and communicated to service providers to help make what can be a very a difficult time after diagnosis, a little bit easier.
To take the survey, please click here
We are asking all men in Scotland who have ever been diagnosed with prostate cancer to participate. Participation is voluntary and should only take around 15-20 minutes. All the information we collect will be anonymous and cannot be used to identify any individual. The more men who take part to share their views and experiences, the more we can identify aspects of good practice that might be shared across health boards.
Please note the survey is hosted on Survey Monkey