Provincial Grand Lodge Fife & Kinross Charity Firewalk Challenge raises £18,000 in aid of Prostate Scotland
Prostate Scotland was absolutely thrilled to receive a cheque for £18,000 from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife & Kinross being the proceeds of a sponsored Firewalk Challenge in April undertaken by thirty members from lodges in the Fife & Kinross Province. The Grand Master Mason Charles I. R. Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont (pictured left) and Provincial Grand Master Stewart Quigley (pictured right) presented Director of Prostate Scotland, Adam Gaines (centre of picture) with the cheque on Saturday 17 June 2017 at a special installation dinner for the new Provincial Grand Master of Fife and Kinross.
Firewalk Organiser Colin Davie, PM Lodge Balgonie said “The support on the night was tremendous. It gave each and every one of us that extra bit of confidence that we required to achieve our goal…Thanks to each and every one of you who took and played your part in raising these much needed funds to find a cure for Prostate Cancer.”
Adam Gaines stated: “On behalf of Prostate Scotland many sincere thanks for this wonderful and very generous donation. It arises from huge determination and courage by the many people from across the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross and Daughter lodges who took part in the special and amazing Firewalk and some extraordinary fundraising. It is testimony to the charitable principles and outlook of the Provincial Grand Lodge and deserves huge thanks and recognition. This kind donation will make a real difference to our work to reach out to many thousands of men in Scotland about prostate disease and prostate cancer”.
26 June 2017