A message about COVID-19 and our publications
‘Info Guidance’ pages on COVID-19 and how this may affect prostate cancer treatments such as Active Surveillance, Chemotherapy, Hormone therapy, Radiotherapy, Prostatectomy, and Clinical trials can be found here.
Ordering publications: we’re sorry we are unable to send out orders as promptly as usual. Orders, when possible, can only be dispatched once every 2/3 weeks particularly very large orders. All publications are available to view on screen or download and print.
Prostate Scotland would like to reassure everyone looking for information on prostate disease and prostate cancer that Prostate Scotland services are still available; although in adherence with Scottish Government guidance we are working remotely/from home.
To get in touch with a question or issue, email info@prostatescotland.org.uk. or call our office. Calls are automatically diverted.
Please take care and stay safe.
Please see our resources page to view all our publications
The information in these leaflets and booklets is not intended to replace medical advice or seeing a doctor for specific illnesses or symptoms. As there may be more than one approach to tests, examinations, procedures and treatment, if you are given specific information by your consultant, CNS, GP or any other health professional responsible for your care then it is important that their instructions are followed.
Production of our resources
The information contained in our leaflets and booklets has been developed by Prostate Scotland and reviewed by its Advisory Group (PAGES) of doctors, nurses and patients as well as other health professionals to help ensure the information is accurate, relevant and easily accessible.
Awards for our publications
British Medical Association 2015 Patient Information Awards, Prostate Scotland was awarded:
- ‘Commended’ for the ‘Prostate Scotland Workplace Tool Kit’
- British Medical Association 2013 Patient Information Award, Prostate Scotland was awarded:
- ‘Highly commended’ for the publication ‘Advanced prostate cancer explained’
- ‘Commended’ for the publication ‘BPH and treatments explained’
Thank you
Over the years individuals, fundraisers and organisations have very generously provided donations to enable us print our publications. Thank you to all those who have supported Prostate Scotland in this way. Your donation makes a big difference in helping us to raise awareness and provide information for men and their families.